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Heuchera 'Twist of Lime' - #1
Heucherella 'Catching Fire' - #1
Heucherella 'Pumpkin Spice' - #1
Maiden Grass - QT
Silver Grass Variegated - QT
Heucherella 'Alabama Sunrise' - #1.0
Heucherella 'Golden Zebra' - #1.0
Ornamental Pepper 'Hot Pops Purple' - 4 1/2
Bacopa 'Megacopa White' - 4 1/2
Bacopa 'Megacopa Blue' - 4 1/2
Coleus 'Ruby Slippers' - 6 1/2
Bidens 'Bee Alive' - 4 1/2
Heucherella 'Galactica' - #1
Hemerocallis 'Mighty Chestnut' - #1
$4.00 $19.99
Dahlia 'Dahlietta Emily' - 6 1/2
Daisy 'Sassy White' - 6 1/2
Begonia tuberosa 'Nonstop Yellow' - 4 1/2
Begonia tuberosa 'Nonstop Red' - 4 1/2
Calibrachoa 'Cabaret Orange' - 4 1/2
Coleus 'South of the Border' - 6 1/2
Black Gold Potting Soil 1.5 cu.ft. all purpose
Black Gold Potting Soil 2 cu.ft
Rosa 'Sunblaze Amber' -#2.0
Rosa 'Sunblaze Mandarin' -#2.0
Rosa 'Sunblaze Red' -#2.0
Rosa 'Sunblaze Yellow' -#2.0
Fargesia rufa 'Sunset Glow' - #2 (Bamboo)
Fargesia rufa ' Sunset Glow' ( Bamboo)
Gaillardia Arizona Red Shades - #1
Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun' - #1